Thursday, March 15, 2012

~Introduction of The Sea Creature Report~

Hello Readers!

To further expand my knowledge of the creatures of the sea, I've decided to start this blog to give a report of what I have learned about the different creatures of the ocean.
I always thought that the best way to remember something is to teach others about it, so TA-DA!

Living in Maui, we have quite the variety of fish and ocean life. So naturally, I'll be writing about them. BUT! Because I want to expand, I'll be branching out to creatures across the globe. From creatures like the Pelican Eel, to the Big Red Jellyfish. Or from Plankton to Butterflyfish.

Due to work and home life... My first report shall begin later today!

Thank you for reading my intro to this blog! And feel free to leave comments if there's a creature you would like to see featured in this blog~

Much Mahaloz,
Seajelly Princess

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